The JBL Gala feed is selected raw materials and a combination of all the important nutrients that meets the needs of aquarium fish. A special method of ultrafine grinding of raw materials and a balanced combination of nutrients is well absorbed and does not contaminate water. Valuable materials and biologically active substances of algae spirulina,as well as vital vitamins and inositol provide natural and healthy growth and improve survival. The ideal size of fodder for fish is 10 to 20 cm Recommendations for feeding- two or three times a day in portions that can be eaten by fish within a few minutes. Composition-protein 48percent, fat 5.5percent, fiber 2.5percent, ash 9.5percent, vitamin A 25000 i. E.vitamin D3 2000 i. E.Vitamin E 330 mg.Vitamin C 400 mg.Inositol 750 mg.Weight-15 g.The product is certified.